dropbox 怎么使用_如何在一台PC上使用多个Dropbox帐户
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dropbox 怎么使用

dropbox 怎么使用

Dropbox is the go-to service for cloud storage and file syncing, but it’s also one of the more expensive options out there once you’ve used up the free storage allotment. And you can only use multiple accounts on one machine if you spring for the pricier business package. But there are a few options for getting around this.

Dropbox是云存储和文件同步的首选服务,但一旦您用完了免费存储分配,它也是其中更昂贵的选择之一。 而且,如果您购买价格较高的商务套餐,则只能在一台计算机上使用多个帐户。 但是有一些解决方法。

简单方法:使用网站 (The Easy Way: Use the Website)

The simplest way to access two different Dropbox accounts at once is to use the desktop program for your primary account and  (through Incognito Mode, if you want to stay signed into your main account). The Dropbox website will give you access to all the files in a single account, and it includes basic uploading and folder-creating capabilities. Of course, doing it all through the web isn’t as fast or as easy as simply using your operating system’s file explorer, and you lose the convenience of background syncing. But if you only need to use a secondary account only occasionally, it’s probably the easiest way to solve this problem.

一次访问两个不同的Dropbox帐户的最简单方法是为您的主要帐户使用桌面程序,然后 (如果您希望保持登录状态,可以通过隐身模式登录)。 Dropbox网站将为您提供访问单个帐户中所有文件的权限,它包括基本的上传和文件夹创建功能。 当然,通过Web进行所有操作并不像使用操作系统的文件浏览器那样快速或简单,并且您失去了后台同步的便利。 但是,如果您仅偶尔需要使用辅助帐户,则这可能是解决此问题的最简单方法。

烦人的方式:共享文件夹 (The Slightly More Annoying Way: Shared Folders)

One of the things that makes Dropbox so useful is its ability to share folders and files between users. If there’s something on a secondary account you need to access all the time, you can simply share the relevant folder with your primary account. Here’s how:

Dropbox如此有用的原因之一是它具有在用户之间共享文件夹和文件的能力。 如果您需要一直访问辅助帐户上的某些内容,则只需与主要帐户共享相关文件夹即可。 这是如何做:

Log in to the Dropbox website on your secondary account, then click “New shared folder.” Use “I’d like to create and share a new folder” or “I’d like to share an existing folder for their respective functions. Select the folder with the contents you want to share, then click “Next.”

登录到您辅助帐户上的Dropbox网站,然后单击“新建共享文件夹”。 使用“我想创建和共享一个新文件夹”或“我想共享一个现有文件夹来实现各自的功能。 选择包含您要共享的内容的文件夹,然后单击“下一步”。

Input the email address you used for your primary Dropbox account login, make sure “Can edit” is enabled, then click “Share.” An email will be sent to your primary account’s address, and you simply have to click “go to folder” to activate the connection.

输入您用于主要Dropbox帐户登录的电子邮件地址,确保启用“可以编辑”,然后单击“共享”。 一封电子邮件将发送到您的主要帐户的地址,您只需单击“转到文件夹”即可激活连接。

The downside to this approach is that Dropbox doesn’t allow sharing of the root folder—so you’ll have to put everything into a specific folder to share it—and the shared folders take up space on both accounts. So this won’t help you get extra space, but it will help you avoid the hassles of having a personal and a work account, for example.

这种方法的缺点是Dropbox不允许共享根文件夹-因此您必须将所有内容都放入一个特定的文件夹中才能共享-并且共享文件夹占用了两个帐户的空间。 因此,这不会帮助您获得额外的空间,但是例如,它将帮助您避免拥有个人帐户和工作帐户的麻烦。

Windows的困难方式:多个PC登录 (The Hard Way for Windows: Multiple PC Logins)

There have been a few attempts to get around Dropbox’s multiple account restrictions on free users, but on Windows, none are simpler than this. You’ll need administrator privileges on your primary Windows user account. Then, follow these steps:

已经进行了一些尝试来解决Dropbox对免费用户的多个帐户限制,但是在Windows上,没有比这更简单的了。 您需要主要Windows用户帐户的管理员权限。 然后,请按照下列步骤操作:

(if you don’t already have one). This is a secondary Windows account with its own password. If you’re creating this login just for this Dropbox hack, I’d recommend making one without a Microsoft email account connection.

(如果您还没有 )。 这是具有自己密码的辅助Windows帐户。 如果您仅为此Dropbox黑客创建此登录名,建议您建立没有Microsoft电子邮件帐户连接的登录名。

Log in to the secondary Windows account without logging out of your primary Windows user account. To do this quickly, just press the Windows button+L, then log in with the secondary account.

登录到辅助Windows帐户, 而无需注销主要Windows用户帐户。 要快速执行此操作,只需按Windows按钮+ L,然后使用辅助帐户登录。

From the secondary account, download and install the Dropbox Windows program. Set it up normally and log in with your secondary Dropbox login information (not the same account you’re using on your main Windows username).

从辅助帐户下载并安装Dropbox Windows程序。 正常设置并使用您的辅助Dropbox登录信息登录(与Windows主用户名使用的帐户不同)。

Lock the secondary Windows account and switch back to your primary Windows account. Now, open the Windows Explorer program and navigate to the Users folder; by default, this is C:\Users. Double-click on the folder for the new Windows user you just created, then click “Continue” to access its files with your Administrator privileges.

锁定辅助Windows帐户,然后切换回主Windows帐户。 现在,打开Windows资源管理器程序并导航到“用户”文件夹; 默认情况下,这是C:\ Users。 双击刚创建的新Windows用户的文件夹,然后单击“继续”以使用管理员权限访问其文件。

Navigate to the Dropbox folder in the secondary account’s User folder. By default, it’s in C:\Users\[username] (the folder you just opened—it will only change if you moved the user folder during the Dropbox program installation).

导航到辅助帐户的“用户”文件夹中的“ Dropbox”文件夹。 默认情况下,它位于C:\ Users \ [用户名](您刚刚打开的文件夹-仅当在Dropbox程序安装过程中移动了用户文件夹时,它才会更改)。

Now you can access the files from your secondary Dropbox account in Windows Explorer at any time. As long as you keep your secondary Windows account logged in with the Dropbox program running, it will sync the files with Dropbox’s web server automatically. If you need to access it quickly, just right-click the Dropbox folder, then select Send to>desktop (create shortcut). You might want to name the secondary shortcut with your secondary account name to avoid confusion.

现在,您可以随时从Windows资源管理器中的辅助Dropbox帐户访问文件。 只要您在运行Dropbox程序的情况下保持登录Windows辅助帐户的身份,它将自动将文件与Dropbox的Web服务器同步。 如果需要快速访问它,只需右键单击“ Dropbox”文件夹,然后选择“发送到”>“桌面”(创建快捷方式)。 您可能希望使用辅助帐户名来命名辅助快捷方式,以免造成混淆。

Note that, in order to keep both installations of Dropbox syncing, you’ll need to stay logged into both Windows accounts while you’re using them.


macOS的艰难之路:Automator (The Hard Way for macOS: Automator)

You can use your Mac’s built-in Automator program to create a second instance of the Dropbox program running at the same time as the primary program on macOS. To start, make sure you’ve downloaded and installed Dropbox and set it up with your primary account. Then create a new Dropbox folder in your personal Home folder—for the sake of example, I’ve labelled mine “Dropbox2.”

您可以使用Mac的内置Automator程序创建与MacOS上的主程序同时运行的Dropbox程序的第二个实例。 首先,请确保您已经下载并安装了Dropbox,并使用您的主要帐户进行了设置。 然后在您的个人主文件夹中创建一个新的Dropbox文件夹,例如,我将其标记为“ Dropbox2”。

Open the Automator program (use the Spotlight search icon in the upper right corner if you can’t find it) and click “Workflow,” then “Choose.”


In the “Library” sub-menu, scroll down until you see “Run Shell Script.” Click and drag the Run Shell Script entry into the right side of the window labelled “Drag actions or files here.”

在“库”子菜单中,向下滚动直到看到“运行Shell脚本”。 单击“运行Shell脚本”条目并将其拖到标记为“在此处拖动操作或文件”的窗口的右侧。

Click inside the shell script text box and delete “cat.” Then replace it with the following script—you can copy and paste from this page. Note that “Dropbox2”, below, is the name of the folder you created in Home in the step above. If you used another name, modify the script accordingly.

在外壳程序脚本文本框中单击并删除“ cat”。 然后将其替换为以下脚本-您可以从此页面复制和粘贴。 请注意,下面的“ Dropbox2”是您在上一步中在“主页”中创建的文件夹的名称。 如果使用其他名称,请相应地修改脚本。

HOME=$HOME/Dropbox2 /Applications/Dropbox.app/Contents/MacOS/Dropbox &

Now click “Run.” A new copy of the Dropbox program will appear, allowing you to log in with your secondary account and set it up.

现在单击“运行”。 将显示Dropbox程序的新副本,使您可以使用辅助帐户登录并进行设置。

Click File > Save to save the Automator workflow. Name anything you want and place it wherever you like, and simply double-click the script any time you need to sync your secondary Dropbox account. You can even to get it to start automatically when you turn on your computer.

单击文件>保存以保存Automator工作流程。 命名任何您想要的名称,然后将其放置在任意位置,只要您需要同步次要Dropbox帐户,只需双击脚本即可。 您甚至以使其在打开计算机时自动启动。


dropbox 怎么使用


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